مدونة الموقع

صورة Carrol Holbrook
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:48 - Carrol Holbrook
أي أحد في العالم

Apesar da maioria dos efeitos secundários serem leves, você deve estar atento, pois alguns deles incluem elevação da pressão nas artérias e também dos batimentos cardíacos, falta de sono, dores com cabeça, bílis, prisão com ventre, padecimento abdominal, entre outros. Será mostrado que o tratamento da opulência se baseia dentro de treinos físicos e no mudanças dos hábitos alimentares. Por demais aspecto, a banha é efetivamente um coeficiente com alto perigo de saúde, era considerada lelê Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma enfermidade rubrica, que pode levar a problemas cardíacos, diabete, colesterol alto, etc.

Para tal, salutar considerados vários elementos, tais como a estado etária, o sensualidade, o tipo físico, a constituição empregado, racial, fatores culturais e análise dos práticas alimentares.

Os Números Da Banha Durante um período, sua armazém ficou proibida, no entanto, agora ela pode, de novo, ser comprada dentro de farmácias, a partir de que com prescrição médica. Somente nos casos citados onde há risco com saúde bem como no momento em que a objetos nos hábitos alimentares aliada a atividades físicas não ter êxito, é que os médicos decidem se é fundamental que se associem de outra maneira não medicamentos por outra forma procedimentos cirúrgicos.

Além disso, de acordo com a nutricionista, este característica com atividade física este enumerado a níveis mais grandes do hormônio do crescimento pessoa , importante para quem pretende emagrecer. Algo a fazer é prevenir o açúcar, que adiante de realizar com que o concentração a glicose cause o aumento do peso, ainda assim gera transtornos de humor, o que afeta a prática de uma pessoa. Carboidratos precisam ser consumidos em quantidades perfeitamente pequena

Esqueça estes molhos e comece a usar ervas e temperos para diminuir o ingestão com calorias desnecessárias. A fibra beneficia a estabilizar a porção com açúcar no seiva e aumenta a percepção de saciedade. Tenha em sua dieta pelo menos com 25 a 38 gramas com fibra todos os dias, que você pode deparar em frutas, verde, legumes e cereai

Outras opções positivas são a banana, a alface, a soja, a couve e o grão-de-bico. Leite, queijos magros e iogurtes variados são opções leves, que sustentam e são fonte do aminoácido triptofano, eficiente para o relaxamento do corpo. As sopas também são alternativas para a ceia ou o janta

Reconheça os momentos em que, por causa situações emocionais complicados, você se rende à compulsão alongar. Se você já sabe que isso geralmente acontece, provirá menos difícil habituar-se o problema e se policiar. Saiba como funcionam as coisas, no como realizar que contém milhares com artigos humilde que o convencido ajudar. Confira as ofertas atuais de Frutas bem como encartes das lojas perto de voc Lembre-se que amargura, aversão e também estresse não desaparecem com a comida – melhor pregar uma outra técnica com relaxamento para moderar seus sentimentos, que nem meditação.

Minuto a CNN.com, nenhuma dessas organizações endossou a regim Sabemos, no entanto, que o plano já havia passado por mais nomes, que nem a regime da Cleveland Clinic, a dieta da Clínica Mayo, a jejum Kaiser bem como a regime do Sanatório de Birmingham. Similarmente sabemos que a Dieta Militar dos 3 dias não isto associada às forças armadas a forma alguma, diz Roland Paquette, PA-C, formador residente em pesquisas de adjutor médico na UT Health San Antonio. O Que É A Dieta Nórdica, Que Pode Fazer Bem à Bem-estar Bem Como É ..

trabalhamos primariamente com pacientes que apresentam transtornos alimentares, obesos, com contrapeso e com morbidades relacionadas ao excesso de gordur Eloisa chegou a desagradar 117 kg depois de gestação; atualidade, pesa 77 kg.

Médicos acreditam que os medicamentos perdem a eficiência sucessivamente a este período. Os efeitos colaterais dos remédios PF faz operação para combater tráfico internacional de cocaína (acesse o endereço Noticiasdobrasil) emagrecer, variam a começar de os em grau superior leves aos melhor graves.

Para gerar esse efeito, eles agem diretamente sobre o metabolismo celular e transformam o corpo em uma máquina menos eficiente, que produz mais calor e menos energia ao quebrar um nutrient Basicamente, os termogênicos aceleram o metabolismo e a queima das calorias, aumentando o consumo de energia corporal.

Como Dá Certo E Quais Os Efeitos Colaterais? É preciso desviar sarcófago mentalidade e localizar-se aberto destinado a pessoas tipo de ajuda disponível", conclui. "Grande gente ainda acredita que o obeso nunca emagrece por privação a vontade ou por inércia, mas não sabe da heterogeneidade da moléstia e do sustento. Com consenso como dados do Ministério da Saúde, aproximadamente um dentro de cada cinco brasileiros (18,9% da público) é obeso bem como mais da metade das pessoas do país (54%) está com exagero com peso.

Remédio Destinado A Emagrecer Vicia?

É nessa hora que os suplementos termogênicos podem tornar-se fundamentais destinado a alcançar a utilidade. Assim, você poderá ingeri-los quando e no qual quiser, precisando apenas com um estrutura física de carraspana. No entanto, se você possuem qualquer dificuldade com deglutição, o melhor é considerar os suplementos de emagrecer que são comercializado em perece

صورة Esther Bradbury
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:47 - Esther Bradbury
أي أحد في العالم

Виктор Пелевин КГБТ+ [КГБТ+] книге новой книги Пелевин Пелевиным книге

Новая книга Пелевина В.О. «KGBT+» вскоре появится на продающих сайтах.

Виктора Пелвина оживляет новыми книгами каждый год.

Перечень наилучших книг Пелвина:

2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 1993 - Происхождение видов - 7.24(10) 1990 - Затворник и Шестипалый - 7.74(48) 2010 - Созерцатель тени - 7.80(11) 1992 - Мардонги - 7.52(<10) 1992 - Омон Ра - 6.95(91) 2012 - Отель хороших воплощений - 7.27(<10) 1992 - Ника - 7.03(<10) 2005 - Шлем ужаса - 7.66(35) 1991 - День бульдозериста - 7.37(14) 2005 - Шлем ужаса. Креатифф о Тесее и Минотавре - 6.85(24) 2012 - Отель хороших воплощений - 7.27(<10) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 1991 - Луноход - 7.42(<10) 1993 - Желтая стрела - 7.84(87) 2008 - Пространство Фридмана - 7.52(<10) 2008 - Зал поющих кариатид - 7.24(10) 1991 - Хрустальный мир - 7.59(<10) 2003 - Фокус-группа - 7.34(13) 1992 - Омон Ра - 6.95(91) 1991 - Хрустальный мир - 7.59(<10) 2004 - Священная книга оборотня - 7.85(88) 1991 - Жизнь и приключения сарая Номер XII - 7.20(<10) 2009 - П5: Прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана - 7.54(23) 2010 - Созерцатель тени - 7.80(11)

صورة Lashay Kinslow
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:47 - Lashay Kinslow
أي أحد في العالم

Are you beating yourself over quality vs. quantity? What if you could possess the best of both worlds when it comes to buying weed online?

At Toke and Smoke, we make it simple and take a no-bullshit approach to price and quality. Unlike most online dispensaries who raise the price above and beyond, slash the cost to create a false sense of saving. We provide the most affordable prices upfront without the gimmicks. Wonder how some dispensaries can do up to 40% off on their products? Don't be fooled.

The pandemic has opened the door to buying weed online.

This pandemic of lockdowns, quarantining, and restrictions have made ordering weed online as simple as ever. You no longer have to commute to a weed shop to order your weed; instead, you can buy weed online! And have it delivered to your doorsteps. So, what are the best online dispensaries available for purchasing the cheapest weed online in Canada? Of course, we are going to be a bit biased here! However, we believe in our service, and thousands of our customers agree! So, check us out, and you won't be disappointed.

Before you jump online and begin ordering your cannabis products, let's take a second and look at a few tips on how to purchase cheap weed online in Canada and have it discreetly delivered to your doorsteps. While it appears intimidating, we promise it can be a very convenient and enjoyable experience.

Explore what cannabis product you want to buy.

Before you make a rash choice and buy any cannabis product, you will want to make sure you review the product first. We think all customers should consider that marijuana comes in two types of strains: Sativa and Indica. In addition, a particular kind of strain can be either Sativa dominant or Indica dominant or a mixture of both, known as a hybrid strain.

It would help if you also understood what a particular stain feels like and which variety of strain is ideal for you. You may need to do a bit of experimenting. Still, you should typically buy a strain that you are already familiar with, but exploring is part of the fun! For example, some cannabis users like an Indica dominant strain to unwind at night. Indica dominant strains can provide a euphoric effect, which helps soothe your nerves and elevate your sleep quality. For a more physical or buy weed online social gathering, perhaps a Sativa dominant strain could help you overcome your social anxiety or give you a lift of confidence. Conclusively, you can make an intelligent online cannabis purchase with a little bit of investigation and patience.

Ensure your bud payment is safe.

The majority of online dispensaries in Canada only accept E-transfers or EMT payments. It is typically done through your financial institution's mobile banking app. For more detailed instructions on how to begin this type of payment, please refer to "How to Order."

This process may be a bit daunting at first, but it will be very comfortable the next time around!

Before placing an order online, ensure this website is reputable by examining the reviews and recognizing how long this company has been around. When you purchase cannabis online, you want to ensure that your payment is done safely, efficiently, discreetly, and delivered to your door in privacy. The worst is losing your money to a scam site!

Additionally, many legitimate online dispensaries deliver your weed in a vacuum-sealed discreet parcel.

Enjoy your online marijuana dispensary purchase.

Discovering the appropriate online dispensary for you requires a bit of deliberate research. So don't rush your online cannabis purchase. After selecting the ideal product according to your needs, the final action is to relax on your couch and enjoy.

We hope you are satisfied with your weed purchase, become a loyal customer, reap the benefits of gifts, and purchase with assurance next time. Of course, we recommend trying other vendors before settling on one. We trust this article made it more comfortable to try online cannabis delivery and buy weed online!

صورة Venus Seekamp
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:47 - Venus Seekamp
أي أحد في العالم

Виктор Пелевин КГБТ+ [КГБТ+] Книги новой KGBT книг

Последняя книга Пелевина «Кгбтплюс» вот-вот увидит свет.

Виктора Пелвина оживляет свежими книгами каждый год.

Перечень наилучших книг Пелвина:

2008 - Некромент - 7.15(<10) 2003 - Гость на празднике Бон - 7.74(10) 2003 - Один вог - 7.58(<10) 1992 - Встроенный напоминатель - 7.20(<10) 1993 - Зигмунд в кафе - 7.42(16) 1993 - Желтая стрела - 7.84(87) 1992 - Музыка со столба - 6.98(<10) 1999 - Generation «П» - 6.98(211) 1992 - Встроенный напоминатель - 7.20(<10) 2005 - Шлем ужаса - 7.66(35) 1991 - Проблема верволка в Средней полосе - 7.59(27) 1999 - Нижняя тундра - 7.24(10) 2008 - Пространство Фридмана - 7.52(<10) 2003 - Македонская критика французской мысли - 7.20(<10) 1991 - Жизнь и приключения сарая Номер XII - 7.20(<10) 2008 - Пространство Фридмана - 7.52(<10) 1993 - Зигмунд в кафе - 7.42(16) 2008 - Зал поющих кариатид - 7.24(10) 1990 - Затворник и Шестипалый - 7.74(48) 1993 - Зигмунд в кафе - 7.42(16) 2010 - Созерцатель тени - 7.80(11) 2003 - Акико - 7.37(14) 2004 - Священная книга оборотня - 7.85(88) 2003 - Фокус-группа - 7.34(13) 2010 - Зенитные кодексы Аль-Эфесби - 7.28(11)

صورة Mahalia Scobie
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:46 - Mahalia Scobie
أي أحد في العالم

Виктор Пелевин книги КГБТ+ [КГБТ+] книге книгу Пелевин Новая книга книге

Свежая книга Пелевина В.О. «Пелевин КГБТ+» на днях увидит свет.

Пелевина Виктора удивляет новенькими фолиантами каждый год.

Список избранных книг Пелвина:

2003 - Гость на празднике Бон - 7.74(10) 2003 - Акико - 7.37(14) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 1991 - Ухряб - 6.81(18) 2010 - Созерцатель тени - 7.80(11) 2003 - Гость на празднике Бон - 7.74(10) 1994 - Тарзанка - 7.00(<10) 1993 - Желтая стрела - 7.84(87) 1993 - Жизнь насекомых - 7.85(89) 2019 - Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами - 6.82(18) 2003 - Один вог - 7.58(<10) 2019 - Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами - 6.82(18) 1993 - Зигмунд в кафе - 7.42(16) 1991 - Хрустальный мир - 7.59(<10) 1992 - Музыка со столба - 6.98(<10) 1992 - Встроенный напоминатель - 7.20(<10) 1991 - Проблема верволка в Средней полосе - 7.59(27) 1993 - Жизнь насекомых - 7.85(89) 2003 - Гость на празднике Бон - 7.74(10) 1990 - Затворник и Шестипалый - 7.74(48) 2019 - Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами - 6.82(18) 1992 - Вести из Непала - 7.28(11) 1995 - Папахи на башнях - 7.67(<10) 1992 - Ника - 7.03(<10) 1993 - Жизнь насекомых - 7.85(89)

صورة Brodie Scarf
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:45 - Brodie Scarf
أي أحد في العالم

Frank from Toke & Smoke here with another information blog for you guys. What are Terpenes and Trichomes? And why should you care!

Understanding Cannabis Terpenes and Trichomes

Well, where do I start...? Sorry, I'm just a little burnt out from smoking a great blunt rolled with some Clementine. But, oh boy, the taste of guava is simply bliss. So, anyway, let us get back to the topic.

First off, you should be pretty familiar with that weedy smell off the tip of your fingers after rolling a tight and cozy joint. Next, you can thank and appreciate the trichomes or those small hairy glands from your cannabis plants. They are responsible for developing aromatic composites known as terpenes.

Terpenes provide your plants with different profiles and help establish the strains you enjoy, resulting in their taste, effect, and aroma. For example, the Clementine that I just smoked, god f*cking damn! That was delicious. Anyways, it has a lavender and citrus aroma followed by a scrumptious lemony-orange flavor profile that resembles guava (insert drool emoji). While the Red Congolese has more of a woody, herbally, and spicy taste with an intense, pungent, earthy nose. One promotes a relaxed high and marijuana products the other an exhilarating energic buzz. Understanding this relationship between trichomes and terpenes will help you appreciate the taste and texture of your next batch of nuggy goodness.

Alright, let's dissect the two and get a deeper dive into what each one contributes.

Trichomes, what is this?

Trichomes are little microscopic crystal-like substances responsible for producing over 400 compounds that determine the chemical profile of marijuana dispensary plants. In addition, trichomes help create impressive numbers of crucial terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids that cannabis harvesters manipulate to assemble unique weed strains for consumers.

The higher the quality of Trichomes, the greater the results are, which makes Trichomes so crucial in the plant's development.

Learn more at Cannabistech. (https://www.cannabistech.com/articles/what-is-a-trichome/)

Now, what are Terpenes?

These little f*ckers are what determines the variation of flavors and fragrance in your marijuana dispensary strains. That pine and woody flavor from your Pink Kush or that perfume of grapes and berries you get from a Watermelon Haze strain. There are unending amounts of terpenes that these genius cultivators employ to forge delectable weed strains.

Using this, we can conclude what the best options are for our cannabis essentials. Weed is so fun! I f*cking love it. Just considering about all that skunky, herby, gassy, and fruity buds covered in crystal dust make me shake in my boots or slippers, same sh*t.

Read more at Medical News Today (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-are-terpenes#what-they-are)

Now let's choose the suitable Terpenes!

According to High Times (https://hightimes.com/guides/what-are-terpenes/), these are the most common types of terpenes found in Cannabis flowers:











These not only determine the flavors and smell of the plants but can also emphasize the therapeutic results. For example, some people struggle with stress, anxiety, or depression, so a strain with limonene, myrcene, and linalool may help alleviate those symptoms.

As for me, I struggle with insomnia, so I try to find strains that contain higher levels of linalool, myrcene, and terpinolene to help encourage a more relaxed state that elevates my sleep quality.

Recognizing the abundance of terpenes can be a daunting assignment; that is why most dispensaries have specialists committed to guiding you through the process. You don't have to do the investigation yourself. Just chat with our team at Toke & Smoke, and they will be overjoyed to assist.

You can also use your god-given senses of taste, smell, and touch to determine the ideal strain for your palate. Like touching yourself, you know what works and what doesn't; it just takes a little bit of experimenting!

Alright! It's late, Frank out!

Shopping made easy, check out our online dispensaries mood sections to find the right ones for you.

If you have any questions concerning wherever and how to use marijuana online, you can speak to us at our site.

صورة Lashay Kinslow
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:43 - Lashay Kinslow
أي أحد في العالم

Frank from Toke & Smoke here with another information blog for you guys. What are Terpenes and Trichomes? And why should you care!

Understanding Cannabis Terpenes and Trichomes

Well, where do I start...? Sorry, I'm just a little burnt out from smoking a great blunt rolled with some Clementine. But, oh boy, the taste of guava is simply bliss. So, anyway, let us get back to the topic.

First off, you should be pretty familiar with that weedy smell off the tip of your fingers after rolling a tight and cozy joint. Next, you can thank and appreciate the trichomes or those small hairy glands from your cannabis plants. They are responsible for marijuana store near me developing aromatic composites known as terpenes.

Terpenes provide your plants with different profiles and help establish the strains you enjoy, resulting in their taste, effect, and aroma. For example, the Clementine that I just smoked, god f*cking damn! That was delicious. Anyways, it has a lavender and citrus aroma followed by a scrumptious lemony-orange flavor profile that resembles guava (insert drool emoji). While the Red Congolese has more of a woody, herbally, and spicy taste with an intense, pungent, earthy nose. One promotes a relaxed high and the other an exhilarating energic buzz. Understanding this relationship between trichomes and terpenes will help you appreciate the taste and texture of your next batch of nuggy goodness.

Alright, let's dissect the two and get a deeper dive into what each one contributes.

Trichomes, what is this?

Trichomes are little microscopic crystal-like substances responsible for producing over 400 compounds that determine the chemical profile of marijuana plants. In addition, trichomes help create impressive numbers of crucial terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids that cannabis harvesters manipulate to assemble unique weed strains for consumers.

The higher the quality of Trichomes, the greater the results are, which makes Trichomes so crucial in the plant's development.

Learn more at Cannabistech. (https://www.cannabistech.com/articles/what-is-a-trichome/)

Now, what are Terpenes?

These little f*ckers are what determines the variation of flavors and fragrance in your marijuana strains. That pine and woody flavor from your Pink Kush or that perfume of grapes and berries you get from a Watermelon Haze strain. There are unending amounts of terpenes that these genius cultivators employ to forge delectable weed strains.

Using this, we can conclude what the best options are for our cannabis essentials. Weed is so fun! I f*cking love it. Just considering about all that skunky, herby, gassy, and fruity buds covered in crystal dust make me shake in my boots or slippers, same sh*t.

Read more at Medical News Today (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-are-terpenes#what-they-are)

Now let's choose the suitable Terpenes!

According to High Times (https://hightimes.com/guides/what-are-terpenes/), these are the most common types of terpenes found in Cannabis flowers:











These not only determine the flavors and smell of the plants but can also emphasize the therapeutic results. For example, some people struggle with stress, anxiety, or depression, so a strain with limonene, myrcene, and linalool may help alleviate those symptoms.

As for me, I struggle with insomnia, so I try to find strains that contain higher levels of linalool, myrcene, and terpinolene to help encourage a more relaxed state that elevates my sleep quality.

Recognizing the abundance of terpenes can be a daunting assignment; that is why most dispensaries have specialists committed to guiding you through the process. You don't have to do the investigation yourself. Just chat with our team at Toke & Smoke, and they will be overjoyed to assist.

You can also use your god-given senses of taste, smell, and touch to determine the ideal strain for your palate. Like touching yourself, you know what works and what doesn't; it just takes a little bit of experimenting!

Alright! It's late, Frank out!

Shopping made easy, check out our online dispensaries mood sections to find the right ones for you.

If you liked this short article and you would such as to obtain even more facts relating to marijuana store near me kindly see our page.

صورة Lucia Rosenstengel
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:43 - Lucia Rosenstengel
أي أحد في العالم

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صورة Lashawn Propsting
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:43 - Lashawn Propsting
أي أحد في العالم

Fb2 скачать Пелевин КГБТ+ [КГБТ+] KGBT новой книгу новая книга Пелевина

Следующая книга Виктора Пелвина «Пелевин КГБТ+» на днях будет продоваться онлайн.

Виктора Пелвина удивляет новейшими книжками каждый год.

Каталог наилучших книг Пелвина:

2008 - Пространство Фридмана - 7.52(<10) 2010 - Зенитные кодексы Аль-Эфесби - 7.28(11) 2017 - iPhuck 10 - 6.78(13) 2008 - Кормление крокодила Хуфу - 7.52(<10) 2019 - Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами - 6.82(18) 1991 - Ухряб - 6.81(18) 2011 - Ананасная вода для прекрасной дамы - 7.58(26) 1993 - Жизнь насекомых - 7.85(89) 1991 - Хрустальный мир - 7.59(<10) 2010 - Тхаги - 7.30(<10) 2014 - Рама II - 6.42(<10) 2003 - Гость на празднике Бон - 7.74(10) 2012 - Отель хороших воплощений - 7.27(<10) 2003 - Македонская критика французской мысли - 7.20(<10) 2008 - Кормление крокодила Хуфу - 7.52(<10) 1990 - Затворник и Шестипалый - 7.74(48) 1992 - Встроенный напоминатель - 7.20(<10) 1996 - Водонапорная башня - 7.16(<10) 1990 - Реконструктор (Об исследованиях П. Стецюка) - 7.59(<10) 1991 - Проблема верволка в Средней полосе - 7.59(27) 2008 - Зал поющих кариатид - 7.24(10) 1991 - Ухряб - 6.81(18) 2003 - Числа - 6.92(55) 1991 - Ухряб - 6.81(18) 2008 - Зал поющих кариатид - 7.24(10)

صورة Fran Salazar
بواسطة الجمعـة, 16 سبتمبر 2022, 3:43 - Fran Salazar
أي أحد في العالم

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Следующая книга Виктора Пелвина «КГБТПЛЮС» в обозримом будущем появится на продающих сайтах.

Пелевина удивляет свежими томиками каждый год.

Каталог лучших книг Пелвина:

2009 - Т - 7.68(37) 1993 - Зигмунд в кафе - 7.42(16) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 2009 - П5: Прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана - 7.54(23) 2019 - Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами - 6.82(18) 1992 - Музыка со столба - 6.98(<10) 2010 - Созерцатель тени - 7.80(11) 1992 - Онтология детства - 7.85(12) 2017 - iPhuck 10 - 6.78(13) 2003 - Один вог - 7.58(<10) 1995 - Папахи на башнях - 7.67(<10) 2003 - Фокус-группа - 7.34(13) 2005 - Шлем ужаса - 7.66(35) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 1993 - Бубен Нижнего мира - 7.28(11) 1993 - Желтая стрела - 7.84(87) 1997 - Краткая история пэйнтбола в Москве - 7.80(<10) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 2008 - Пространство Фридмана - 7.52(<10) 1995 - Папахи на башнях - 7.67(<10) 2014 - Любовь к трём цукербринам - 6.84(22) 2005 - Шлем ужаса. Креатифф о Тесее и Минотавре - 6.85(24) 1996 - Водонапорная башня - 7.16(<10) 1993 - Жизнь насекомых - 7.85(89)


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